Tuesday, December 09, 2008

VideoWhisper.com Video Chat Software

New AS3 Flash Video Chat software is beeing developed by VideoWhisper.com . Currently a video conference solution is available for testing.

This requires at least Flash 9 but AS3 is advertised to be more stable and a lot faster compared to older AS2. Users with Flash8 and older can't use AS3.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Demo Movies, Whisper Mode, Spy Webcams

Demo movies added to the video chat demos page:

New Features
# Spy Webcams for all active sessions (requires Live Video for Visitors Plugin)
# Whisper (send message only to selected user)
# Whisper Mode support (only whispers allowed, great for private discussions on dating websites)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

RTMP Connection test for VideoFlashChat

We created a VideoFlashChat RTMP connection checker using AS3 to check if everything is ok with the streaming server:

Test with rtmp://obrix1ty9.rtmphost.com/videoflashchat . Connections from other domains are rejected by our fms host so this path will only work with this one but you can test your own installations if the sever allows connections from videoflashchat.com .

Submit a ticket if you are a customer and need this zipped to test your installation.


import flash.net.NetConnection;
import flash.net.NetStream;
import flash.events.*;

// Current release of FMS only understands AMF0 so tell Flex to
// use AMF0 for all NetConnection objects.
NetConnection.defaultObjectEncoding = flash.net.ObjectEncoding.AMF0;

if (link.text.length==0) link.text="rtmp://videoflashchat";
bt_connect.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, try_connect);

function try_connect(e:MouseEvent)
var button:Button = e.target as Button;
log.appendText("\nConnecting to: "+link.text);

function fmsconnect(server)
var UserName="test_conn";
var sex="male";
var room="test";

var fmscon:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
fmscon.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatus);

function netStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void {
var info:Object = event.info;

Friday, June 20, 2008

Red5 v0.7.0 Final

We checked compatibility of Video Flash Chat with the new Red5 final version and updated as necessary.

Instructions for accessing the new Flex adminPanel (inspired from a mailing list post) after installing the new Red5 on your computer:
1. Start Red5 0.7.0 / Service in Windows (Start > Run...: services.msc )
2. Open: http://localhost:5080/admin/register.html
3. Fill your new user and password. Submit.
4. Restart Red5
5. Open: http://localhost:5080/demos/adminPanel.html
6. Fill "localhost" as server and the user/pass you defined in step 3. Submit.

This file required updating for the application to work with the latest version:

Contact us if you are a customer and need an update.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Red5 Support

Red5 Free Open Source Server is now supported in addition to FCS1.5 & FMS2 for Video Flash Chat.

Red5 is a free, open source Flash server that supports streaming and recording audio/video, live stream publishing and Flash remoting. Its commercial brother is Adobe® Flash Media Server.Red5 is a free, open source, Java based, alternative to Adobe's Flash Media Server.

To install Red5 you need a dedicated server. You can not install Red5 on a shared hosting plan. Red5 is available for both Windows and Linux. You can find more info about it here: http://osflash.org/red5

VideoFlashChat software packages include both server side application versions: actionscript for FCS, FMS2 and java for Red5. You can switch anytime from one option to another.

All Video Flash Chat packages support Red5:

Video Girls - PPV VideoChat Software

Video Flash Chat - Web Based Video Chat

Software for Dating w. VideoChat

Monday, January 14, 2008

Upgrades: Views, Zoom, New Template

Important additions are ready for the Video Flash Chat software:
  • New buttons where added to switch between different views (with new layouts generated by the resize of the video panel) and to zoom the flash.
  • A new template is available with black background and thin white lines delimiting controls: Black Line template.
A special new page was added to the product presentation website: Investment Plans.
Plans: License Purchase, License Rental, included FMS2 streaming hosting. New special options can be ordered for the package: Flash Link Removal and Flash Custom Layout & Template.